May 26, 21 · Bad News It's Derek again My dad, Jeff Miller, died on May 7, 21 It was a total shock Even though he had been hospitalized for over two months, all indications were that he was recovering steadily Just the day before, he had been deemed stable enough to be transferred out of a stepdown hospital and into a rehab facilityJun 03, 21 · I am sorry that I let my jealousy got the better of me Please forgive me I am so sorry for letting you down I will do whatever it takes to make you want to stay with me – I'm Sorry Paragraph for Him;Dec 31, · After they hurt you they say, "I'm sorry you feel that way" It's not an apology, it's a means of making you feel like you're the problem Reply Jimilla Holt says December 25, 19 at 5 am When your partner tells you that you make up thoughts in your head When your trying to discuss a a problem or a feeling Reply
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