Honda Brier Brown Metallic (CB 750 K2) / BRIER BROWN MET LU Gentle Maroon Met Custom MT / Gentle Maroon Met Custom MT / CB 250 K4 '73 CBR 1000 RR '14/15 / Motorlack Antrazit Matt Met VFR 800 '14 / Motorlack Black Met CBR 1000 R '17 / Motorlack Bronze MattHexadecimal #b LRV ≈ 24% Closest short hex #026 ΔE = 1424 RGB rgb(0, 37, 107) RGBA rgba(0, 37, 107, 10) rg chromaticity r 0000, g 0257, b 0743 RYB red 0000%, yellow 107%, blue % Android / androidgraphicsColor / 0xffb HSL hsl(219, 100%, 21%) HSLA hsla(219, 100%, 21%, 10) HSV / HSBWELCOME TO PHOENIX HONDA Honda Car Dealer in Paisley, Scotland Represented by Phoenix Car Company since 1993, the Honda range of new and used cars remains as popular as ever At our dealership in Paisley, Scotland, you'll find our friendly and welcoming team onhand to guide you around the complete array of vehicles, as well as provide
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