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 The Viper Ultimate ($ with its wireless charging dock, $ without) takes all the esports trappings and design choices of the original and affixes them to a Razer Viper Ultimate Technical Specifications True ,000 DPI Focus optical sensor with 996% resolution accuracy Up to 650 inches per second (IPS) / 50 G acceleration 1000 Hz Ultrapolling Razer Synapse 3 enabled Razer Chroma™ lighting with true 168 million customizable color options Yes

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 The Razer Hammerhead True Wireless Pro packs a unique combination of gaming and audio credentials Imagine a set of slightly cheaper (£0/$0) and platformagnostic Apple AirPods Pro, but with additional gamingfocused features, and you won't be far off the truth of the matter They address a glaring flaw with the vast majority of wireless earphones latency Pop in
